. 0000 - Energia Nuclear em Geral

ALFA: Revista de Seguridad Nuclear y Proteccíon Radiologica (livre)

Applied Radiation and Isotopes (Capes)

Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications (livre)

Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables (Capes)

Atomic Energy (Capes)

Atoms (livre)

Atoms for Peace (CIN/CNEN)

Atoms in Japan (Livre)

Australasian Radiology (Capes)

BARC Newsletter (Livre)

Boletin Energetico CNEA (livre)

Brasil Nuclear (livre)

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (Capes)

CERN Courier (livre)

Clefs CEA (livre)

CNL Nuclear Review (Livre)

Conexão Nuclear

Disarmament Diplomacy (Livre)

Dynatom (livre)

Energies (livre)

Energy (Capes)

Energy Economics (Capes)

Energy Markets Report (Livre)

Energy Policy (Capes)

Engineering Failure Analysis (Capes)

ENS News (livre)

EPJ Nuclear Sciences and Technologies

IAEA Bulletin (livre)

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (Capes)

INESAP Information Bulletin (livre)

International Journal of Advanced Nuclear Reactor Design and Technology (Livre)

International Journal of Low Radiation (CIN/CNEN)

International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology (CNEN/CIN - em papel)

International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology (CNEN/CIN - em papel)

International Journal of Nuclear Hydrogen Production and Applications (CNEN/CIN - em papel)

International Journal of Nuclear Knowledge Management (CIN/CNEN)

Investigaciones y Aplicaciones Nucleares

Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament

Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences - JNRS (livre)

Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications (livre)

Journal of Nuclear Technology in Applied Science (livre)

Journal of Radiation and Cancer Research (Livre)

Journal of Radiation Research (Capes)

Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences

Jurnal Sains Nuklear Malaysia (JSNM, Nuclear Science Journal of Malaysia) [livre]

NU-Power: an International Journal of Nuclear Power (livre)

Nucleaire et Énergies (Livre)

Nuclear Data Sheets (Capes)

Nuclear Energy Insight

Nuclear España (CNEN/CIN)

Nuclear Future (CIN/CNEN)

Nuclear India (Livre)

Nuclear Materials and Energy (Livre)

Nuclear Power International (livre)

Nuclear Science and Techniques

Nukleonika (livre)

ORNL Review (livre)

Problems of Atomic Science and Technology (livre)

Progress in Nuclear Energy (Capes)

Radiation Research (CAPES)

Radiocarbon (IRD em papel)

Radiochimica Acta (IPEN - Eletronica)

Revista de la Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (livre)

Revista Mundo Nuclear (livre)

Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations (livre)

The Nonproliferation Review (Capes)

Transactions of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (Livre)

USEC - United States Enrichment Corporation Inc : A Global Energy Company

WANO (World Association of Nuclear Operators) Review (livre)

World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (livre)

. 0100 - Biociências, Medicina Nuclear

Acta Radiologica Open [livre]

ALASBIMN Journal (livre)

Annals of Nuclear Energy (Capes)

Annals of Nuclear Medicine (Capes)

Applied Radiology (CAPES)

Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal (livre)

BMC Medical Imaging (livre)

BMC Medical Physics (Livre)

Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences (Livre)

British Journal of Radiology (livre após 1 ano)

Cardiovascular Radiation Medicine (Capes)

Clinical Nuclear Medicine (Capes)

Clinical Radiology (Capes)

Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (livre)

Dose-Response: an International Journal (livre)

EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (Capes)

Health Physics (CIN/CNEN)

Hellenic Journal of Nuclear Medicine

Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine (livre)

Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging (livre)

International Journal of Radiation Biology (Capes)

International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics (Capes)

International Journal of Radiation Research (livre)

Internet Journal of Nuclear Medicine (livre)

Japanese Journal of Radiology (CAPES)

Jornal da Imagem (livre)

Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics (livre)

Journal of Labelled Compounds & Radiopharmaceuticals (Capes)

Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology

Journal of Medical Physics (livre)

Journal of Nuclear Cardiology (Capes)

Journal of Nuclear Medicine (Livre após 6 meses)

Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology (livre após um ano)

Journal of Radiological Science (livre)

Korean Journal of Radiology (livre)

Medical Physics (Capes)

Nuclear Data Newsletter (livre)

Nuclear India (Livre)

Nuclear Medicine and Biology (Capes)

Nuclear Medicine Communications (IPEN em papel)

Nuclear Medicine Review (livre)

Nuklearmedizin (parcialm/ livre)

Physics in Medicine and Biology (Capes)

Polish Journal of Radiology (Livre)

Radiation Medicine and Protection (Livre)

Radiation Medicine   (CAPES)

Radiation Oncology (livre)

Radiation Oncology Journal (livre)

Radiobiologia (livre)

Radiología (Capes)

Radiologia Brasileira (livre)

Radiology (livre após 1 ano)

Radiology and Oncology (livre)

Radiotherapy and Oncology (Capes)

Research & Reports in Nuclear Medicine (Livre)

Revista Argentina de Radiología (livre)

Revista Brasileira de Física Médica (livre)

Revista Chilena de Radiologia (livre)

Revista de Física Médica (livre)

Revista de la Asociacion Argentina de Biologia y Medicina Nuclear (Livre)

Revista Peruana de Radiología (livre)

Seminars in Nuclear Medicine (Capes)

Seminars in Radiation Oncology (Capes)

The Open Nuclear Medicine Journal (livre)

The Quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (IPEN)

World Journal of Nuclear Medicine (livre)

. 0200 - Alimentos e Agricultura

. 0300 - Instrumentação

. 0400 - Geociências

. 0600 - Segurança Nuclear e Radiólogica

. 0700 - Produção de Energia Nuclear

. 0800 - Ciclo do combustível e Gerência de Rejeitos

. 0900 - Física de Plasma e Fusão Nuclear

Annals of Physics (Capes)

Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science (CAPES)

Brazilian Journal of Physics (Capes)

Fusion Engineering and Design (Capes)

Fusion Science and Technology (Capes)

Journal of Applied Physics (Capes)

Journal of Chemical Physics (Capes)

Journal of Computational Physics (Capes)

Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics (Capes)

Journal of Fusion Energy (Capes)

Journal of Luminescence (Capes)

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (Capes)

Journal of Nuclear and Radiation Physics (livre)

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (Capes)

Journal of Solid State Chemistry (Capes)

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics (livre)

Nuclear Fusion (Capes)

Nuclear Physics A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics (Capes)

Nuclear Physics B (Capes)

Nuclear Physics Review (livre)

Physical Review A (Capes)

Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics (Capes)

Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics (Capes)

Physics of Atomic Nuclei (Capes)

Physics of Fluids (Capes)

Plasma and Fusion Research (livre)

Plasma Physics Reports (Capes)

Pramana: Journal of Physics (livre)

Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (Capes)

Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics (Capes)

Radiation Measurements (Capes)

Radiation Physics and Chemistry (Capes)

Radiochemistry (Capes)

Radioisotopes (Capes)

Reviews of Modern Physics (Capes)

Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Capes)

Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy (Capes)

Stellarator News

Transactions of the American Nuclear Society (CIN/CNEN acesso por IP)

. 1100 - Aspectos Legais

. 1200 - Meio-ambiente

. 1400 - Engenharia